Organic Lawn Care for the DIY Crowd

by Nate on February 19, 2011

sugar content of the plant will rise, the insects will move on to a more attractive food source.

Most grasses have such low Brix value (typically no greater than about 6 or 8 and often much lower) that insects will feed on them all day long.  Raising the Brix of a plant is really quite simple. Provide good nutrition, including a balanced diet of macro and micronutrients and trace elements. Organic fertilizers and soil amendments such as Humic Acid will provide much better nutrition to any plant than chemical fertilizers will. Some fertilizers will raise Brix values more effectively than others will. For instance, kelp fertilizers are probably the most effective means to improving the overall nutrition of any plant (and, therefore, the Brix value) because most kelp fertilizers are made from Kelp grown in very cold, virtually toxin free and nutrient dense waters, such as the North Atlantic. Since kelp is a plant itself, the macro and micronutrients it provides are completely balanced and easily available to a plant. Thus, the addition of kelp to any fertilization program is probably the easiest way to increase the Brix value of that plant, which includes grass. Therefore, adding regular doses of kelp to your lawn care and landscaping fertilization program will increase the Brix of your grass and plants. The higher that Brix value gets the less insect and disease problems you will have. if you have any sort of insect problem, it is a fact that your lawn is receiving very poor nutrition, and is, therefore, very sickly, even if it doesn’t necessarily look sick at this particular moment. Improve the nutrition the plant is receiving and the bugs will move elsewhere.

Organic Weed Control

Most broadleaf weeds prefer a soil pH of 7.0 or above.  Most turf grasses prefer a pH of about 6.3.  There are 2 exceptions: St. Augustine (prefers a pH of 7.5) and Centipede (prefers a pH of 5.0).  Adding sulfur to your soil can deter weeds.  Most weeds require full sunlight.  Keeping your grass height to 2-1/2 to 3 inches will shade and deter weed growth.

Corn gluten applied in the spring will stop new weed growth by eliminating weed seed germination. 

For more tips, information and easy to use liquid organic lawn care products, visit our website

Age: 62, There’s a lot of experience in these gray hairs!

Education: Master of Science in Quality Management, Quality Control

Status: Married 38 years, 4 children, 10 grandkids

Company: The Organic lawn Care Store –


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