Methods of Termite Control in Nigeria

by Nate on May 1, 2011

out by dipping seed pieces of the material to be protected (yam, Cassava, Sugarcane etc) in approximately 0.1% suspension of aldrin or dieldrin wettable powders before planting. In another vein, termite attack may occur on yam tubers, for example, at a latter stage. In this case, treatment of the storage heap may be required. On a heap, approximately 90cm. in diameter at the base, 56.7ml. of 2.5% of aldrin or dieldrin dust should be incorporated into the heap in several layers as it is built up.

Some quantities of insecticide may be applied to planting holes before tree crops are planted.

 Other local applications include pot treatment of seedlings. Dieldrex 20 emulsion can be applied through the watering system of the nursery in four doses at monthly intervals. For better results, pre-treatment of potting soil with 2% dieldrin dust formulation is recommended at doses of 141.8-283.5ml. per cubic meter of potting soil.


 In the tropics where termite attack on buildings are rampant, foundation trenches dug on building sites are sprayed with 2 measures (56.8ml.) of aldrin or dieldrin or dieldrex 20 mixed with 4.5 litres of water. This is sprayed in every 60cm of trench, which should be back-filled and sprayed again. The treatment can protect buildings against termite attack for several years.

 For erected buildings, it is recommended that 4.5 litres of the above dilution of aldrin or dieldrin should be sprayed into a narrow trench dug around the outside of the building, using 4.5 litres of the chemical to every 60cm of trench. The trench should be back-filled and sprayed again. The trench should not be made deeper than the base of the foundation wall. Floors may also be lifted and sprayed using this recommended dosage to every 0.5 sq.m. Alternatively, holes may be made onto floors and walls of buildings (where hollow blocks are used), and application of diluted dieldrin made through the holes. Planks and other wood materials should be treated with diluted dieldrin before use to protect them against termite attack.

 The soil can also be treated prior to laying of the building foundation, with 16.2 to 32.5 litres per 9.0 sq.m. of 5%  Pentachlorophenol (PCP) in fuel oil or water emulsion. Alternatively, the soil may be treated with 45.5 litres per 9 sq.m. of 3% dieldrin. When mixing concrete, it is suggested that a 0.5% emulsion of dieldrin (1.14kg of dieldrex 20 in 45.5 litres of water) be used as the mixing water. It is also recommended that the building sites be leveled and treated prior to casting of slab floors. The under listed chemicals preparations are effective and may be applied at the following rates: Copper Naphthanate (5% in fuel oil at 2-4 litres/sq.m.), Sodium Pentachlorophenate (2.5% in water at 6-10 litres/sq.m.), Benzene hexachloride (0.8% in fuel oil or emulsion in water at 6-10 litres/sq.m.).   

Dr. Bolarinwa Olugbemi is an Entomolpgist, specialising in the ecology and behavior of Termites. His secondary area of interest is the development of Nigerian Raw Materials as inputs for the local industries. Poverty reduction as well as building capacity for small scale industries are also of interest.

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