Fall Gardening Tips: Time To Plant Your Spring Flowers

by Nate on February 25, 2011

Fall Gardening Tips: Time To Plant Your Spring Flowers

Nothing says spring quite like a daffodil, crocus or tulip. Bulbs can fill your garden with vibrant color from early spring through late summer. They are, in general, very hearty, easy to grow and care for, and will bloom year after year. With just a little care, you can have colorful blooms from your bulbs all through the spring and summer. Daffodils, iris, tulips, gladiolus, hyacinth and daylilies are just some of the many bulb favorites.

Choosing Bulbs –

Good bulbs should be firm (avoid signs of rotting or softness), and should not exhibit signs of external damage such as cracks and deep scratches. Avoid bulbs that are already growing shoots or roots. Before planting, keep bulbs stored in a cool, dry location without direct sunlight.

When deciding which type of bulb to purchase, think about timing. Are you looking for color for early spring? Mid-summer? Perhaps you would like several types of bulbs that bloom at different times so that you have color throughout your garden extended throughout spring and summer? Ask your nursery or garden store which bulbs are recommended for your area. Of course, you can also ask your lawn care or landscaping professional for gardening tips and advice.

Planting Bulbs -

As a rule of thumb, bulbs should be planted in the fall (roughly early- to mid-October). You want to get the bulbs in the ground about six weeks before the ground starts to freeze. Plant the bulbs in well-prepared soil. Planting depth is determined by the type of bulb (4″ deep for crocus, 6″ deep for daffodils and hyacinths, 8″ deep for tulips).

Spacing is also determined by the type of bulb. In general, plant bulbs about 4″ to 6″ apart. If you prefer a more formal look of rows, you may wish to invest in a bulb planter. If you desire a more natural, clumped look, dig a wider hole that can accommodate several bulbs (five to ten) planted together. A small amount of fertilizer can be added at the bottom of each hole, and then covered with a thin layer of soil so that the bulb is not resting directly on the fertilizer. Bulbs should be placed into the hole pointed end up with the flat, rooting side facing down. Cover the holes with soil and give the bulbs a thorough soaking of water. Bulbs are a wonderful way to bring vibrant color to your garden throughout the spring and summer (with minimal effort). With just a little work – and a few gardening tips – in the fall, you can enjoy beautiful blooms as early as next spring!

Caring for your spring bulbs -

Annual bulbs are classic additions to a home landscape. When you plant bulbs for spring, you give yourself the gift of great expectations. All winter long you wait for what will come and then one day in early spring, you are rewarded with green sprouts breaking through the soil. When you plant your bulbs, make sure you know the mature height of the different bulb types so taller blooms do not cover the shorter blooms.

Follow the tips below and enjoy a beautiful spring garden.

Where to plant bulbs in your garden -

If left up to the bulbs themselves, most would ask to be planted in an area that provides both sun and shade. Ideally, the area would have shade during the hottest part of the day. This extends the life of the blossoms, so you can enjoy their spring color as long as possible.

It’s wise to avoid areas that have deep shade all day long, because the leaves need some sunlight to create the carbohydrates needed to provide vibrant blooms the next season. Exposed to constant shade, the plants perform less satisfactorily year after year.

Bulbs don’t like wet feet! -

It’s a good idea to select a planting area that is well drained. If you live in an area that has heavy clay soil, your bulbs will do best if you add some good-quality garden soil (not top soil) and spaghnum peat moss to the bed, then work it into the soil. If this is not an option, you can make each planting hole a bit oversized, and then fill them with a mixture of planting soil and peat moss when the bulbs are set.

Depth is important when planting bulbs -

Not all bulbs should be planted at the same depth. Smaller bulbs, which are planted in shallow holes, can be planted at the same depth (regardless of the type of soil in the bed).

Larger bulbs, such as tulip, daffodil and hyacinth, should be planted as much as two inches shallower in heavy soils than in light soils. Tulips, for example, can be planted at a depth of around five inches (to the bottom of the bulb) in heavy clay soil.

The same bulbs, however, should be planted at a depth of around seven inches in light soils. Following these simple guidelines will pay off handsomely year after year.

Nutrition for your bulbs -

Some gardeners prefer to use bone meal, mixed into the dirt at the bottom of the

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